Discover the AQUA'NEWS, the magazine of all the news of AQUATIS Aquarium-vivarium.

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Sea cucumbers, arapaimas, spotted salamanders, tree frogs, but also other endangered species such as our eels, our Rhone aprons, the Komodo dragon or the vipers of Mount Mangshan! Many of our small and large animals are still waiting for their godmothers or godfathers.


Project Concept and Missions

AQUATIS is an exchange platform that promotes the protection of ecosystems and sustainable development. This vision can be seen in all the missions of conservation, research and dissemination of knowledge.

Komodo Dragon

The Komodo dragon is a living legend and one of the flagship animals of modern zoology along with, for example, gorillas and black rhinos.

White-faced sakis

White-faced sakis are New World monkeys found mainly in the triangle of French Guiana, Guyana, Suriname, eastern Venezuela and northern Brazil.

European pond turtle

The European pond turtlee is the only native aquatic turtle we have in Switzerland. Highly endangered due to the destruction of their biotopes and the release of invasive species such as Florida turtles. The latter are larger and more aggressive than the European turtles.


Gila monster

The Gila monster is part of the Heloderms, large saurians that have inhabited our planet for about 100 million years. This means that they already existed in the time of the dinosaurs!


Mangshan Viper

The first, that of the Mangshan Viper is currently the only conservation programme for a venomous snake in Europe.


Aquatis Foundation

The Aquatis Foundation supports the promotion of environmental education and sustainable development. As guarantor of the scientific and cultural project of AQUATIS Aquarium-Vivarium Lausanne, it proposes and finances temporary exhibition projects, lecture cycles and educational activities.

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